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High Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure is 120/80.

A blood pressure above 120/80 is considered elevated.

A blood pressure above 130/80 is considered high blood pressure.

The goal of treatment for high blood pressure is a pressure less than 130/80. This is the goal for all patients, young or old, diabetic or non-diabetic, with or without chronic kidney disease.

A recent public health survey in the US showed that 82% of people were aware that they have high blood pressure and 75% were treated. Among those who were treated, only 52% reached the goal of a blood pressure less than 130/80. This means that many patients who are being treated for high blood pressure are not being treated adequately.

High blood pressure causes stroke, heart attack, congestive heart failure, and kidney disease/failure. For every 20 point increase in blood pressure, the risk of having stroke, heart and/or kidney disease is doubled.

Lower targets (120/80) in older patients does not worsen cognitive function, and even may reduce the risk for mild cognitive impairment (learning & understanding) and dementia.

Home Blood pressure monitoring:

Lifestyle modifications/changes to reduce high blood pressure:

Ghayas Habach, M.D., M.P.H.

Ghayas Habach M.D., M.P.H.

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